ARC Writing Center Logo

Welcome to the Writing Center, ARC's online conference appointment scheduling system! 

To get started, register for an account by clicking the "Click here to register" link to the left. OR (916) 484-8802

To Reserve a Conference:

When you find a Conference time that you want, click on the white box.  This opens up a field that includes the info for the conference.  At the bottom of the field, click on “CREATE APPOINTMENT.”   You will see the grid again, with the box that you clicked now in gold since that appointment is now yours.

Only the white colored boxes are available times.  Gold boxes are conferences you have already made and are scheduled for.  Blue/purple boxes are unavailable.

You may reserve a maximum of either one 60 minute conference per week or two 30 minute conferences per week.   

To Join your Online Conference:

For Online Conferences, click on the gold box that represents the day/time of your conference appointment (the one you scheduled for yourself earlier).

Click the “Start or Join Online Consultation” that appears on the pop-up window.  This will open a new chat room interface that you and your instructor will use to communicate during your Online conference.  

To Cancel a Conference:

Click on the gold rectangle that is marking the time/day of your appointment.  This will open up a field that includes the info about your conference.  At the bottom of the field, click on “CANCEL THIS APPOINTMENT.”  A message will appear to tell you that the conference appointment has been cancelled.  You will see that conference box on the schedule grid turn back to white which means you have cancelled it and it is now available for someone else to take.

Important Notes:

To attend a conference, you must reserve it at least 10 minutes before the scheduled start time. For example, to participate in a 10am conference, you have until 9:50am ( 10 minutes before) to reserve the spot.

Conferences must be cancelled at least 10 minutes in advance. 

Your Conference may be canceled if you are not currently registered for classes at ARC (Main Campus or Natomas).

Have questions about WCOnline? Refer to this FAQ for help: Click Here.